In recognition of PFW’s outstanding performance in 2019, PFW was honored with the Best Supplier of the Year Award by Kawasaki Heavy industries, Ltd (KHI) during a virtual ceremony on December 22, 2020.

KHI representatives expressed their appreciation in PFW’s efforts in maintaining high quality, on-time delivery, and quick, responsible action throughout the year.

KHI’s Aerospace Business Division International Procurement Section recognized only 2 of 91 global suppliers that have consistently exceeded KHI’s expectations and criteria in regards to delivery and quality performance as well as customer support and the contribution to the overall business success.

During the virtual ceremony, both KHI and PFW representatives expressed their appreciation for the continued great partnership on the Boeing 787 program. In 2019, PFW achieved a delivery performance of 100% and supplied more than 200 different tubes and ducts to KHI in a total quantity of more than 12,000 parts.